About Lithgow Library

Lithgow Public Library serves the City of Augusta, approximate population 19,000, with a wide variety of services and programs. Lithgow Public Library is named for Llewellyn Lithgow, an Augusta merchant and book lover, who left a $20,000 bequest to the City for the purpose of building a public library. The bequest, along with a $9,000 gift from Andrew Carnegie and the sale of subscriptions to area citizens, provided the funds to construct the building. The library opened in February of 1896, was expanded in the late 1970’s, and again expanded and renovated in 2015. Click here for more information on the History of Lithgow Public Library.

Lithgow Public Library is a bureau in the Community Services Department of the City of Augusta. The library has an advisory Board of Trustees as well as an active Friends group. The library has a staff of 20, all City Employees, as well as a handful of volunteers who assist with the library’s robust ILL activity. The library is open 55 hours per week and has 3 departments: Adult Services, Youth Services and Technical Services.

Lithgow Public Library holds a physical collection of around 80,000 books, periodicals, and audiovisual items. As members of MINERVA, a multitype library consortia of over 60 libraries, Lithgow Public Library provides cardholders access to millions of items from other libraries in Maine. Lithgow Public Library’s digital resources include access to Hoopla, CloudLibrary, Comics Plus, and more. In February of 2024, a Library of Things was created, adding non-traditional library items to Lithgow’s diverse and expanding collection. Additionally, the library offers cardholders access to passes for museums and parks all over Maine. To see the wide variety of programs and events the library offers, visit the library’s calendar, Facebook, or Instagram.

A cultural, educational, and recreational focal point for the community, the library offers programming, access to electronic resources, and reference services for all.

 Library Basics



How can I get a library card? If you are a resident of Augusta, just bring a photo ID and something that shows your Augusta address, such as a utility bill or other official piece of mail. You will be asked to fill out and sign an application for a library card, which will include your contact information and signature. Library staff will create a library account for you and mail you a plastic library card, which you will need to bring with you when you want to borrow library materials. Your library card will also allow you to access your library account online, as well as request items from our library or other libraries from home. Please click here for information on how to register for a library card online.

Can I get a library card if I live outside of Augusta? If you do not live in Augusta, you may get a Lithgow Public Library card if you pay an annual non-resident fee, which approximates the amount that Augusta taxpayers pay for library services through property taxes. Currently, that amount is $60.00 per year, $30.00 for six months, or $15.00 for three months. If you own property in Augusta, but do not live in town, you do not have to pay the nonresident fee in order to get a library card. Non-residents who are City of Augusta employees, or teachers or students in the Augusta Public School System, may obtain a free card for 1 year.

What if I lose my library card? Replacement library cards are free.

Can I use my library card at other libraries? Currently, we do not have reciprocal borrowing agreements with other libraries. We encourage you to use your Lithgow Library card to request items owned by other libraries, through the MINERVA and MaineCat catalogs – these items will be sent to Lithgow for pickup.

When is the library closed for holidays? 
Lithgow Library observes all Federal & State holidays.

How long may I borrow materials? Most materials circulate for 3 weeks. You may renew most items 2 times as long as there are no holds on a specific item. Items borrowed through inter-library loan (items ordered from other libraries) currently circulate for 3 weeks. Note: some items have shorter loan periods + restrictions.

How much do late fees / fines cost? Lithgow Library does not charge overdue fines. Please note that items borrowed from other libraries may incur fines, depending on that library’s policies. Should you lose or damage any item, a replacement fee will be charged.

How can I access my library account? You can access your library account through the online catalog (Minerva) by clicking the patron info button under the search bar, or by going directly to this page: https://minerva.maine.edu/patroninfo. Enter your first and last name and the number under the barcode on the back of your library card. Once logged in, you can request materials from other libraries, check the status of your requests, any fines and due dates.

How can I request materials from other libraries? In searching the Minerva catalog, you can expand your search to include all libraries in the Minerva consortium. When you find an item you would like to request, simply click on the Request button (you must be viewing an item record in order to see this button, not viewing a list of search results–click on the item’s name in order to view its record.) You will be asked to enter your name and library card number (the barcode number on your library card.) Once you have done this, click on Submit. You should see a message saying that your request was successful, and that your “request will be delivered to Lithgow Library when it is available.”

Can I renew items borrowed from other libraries? Most items borrowed from other Minerva libraries may be renewed provided no one else is waiting for them (books and audiobooks for one two-week period; videos & dvds for an additional one-week period.) Items borrowed from the larger MaineCat system may or may not be renewed. If you are unsure about an item you have borrowed, or are unable to renew an item yourself online, please contact the library for assistance.

How can I return materials, when the library is closed? The library has a book and media drop box, located near the main entrance. There are separate slots for books and media (CDs / DVDs).

Do you have a private study room? Yes, the library has two private study rooms located on the second floor. Both rooms have a capacity of 4 people. The rooms must be reserved the day of use, either in-person at the Reference Desk or over the phone. A single session is for up to two hours, however, depending on demand, extending time is possible.

Does the library have computers for public use? There are several computers for each age group (adults, kids, teens) available on a first-come, first-served basis. Users do not need a library card, but must agree to our Internet Safety and Technology Use Policy,  + are limited to one pass per day.

Do I need a Lithgow Library card to use the computers? No. You do not need a Lithgow Library card to use the computer.

Does the library have WiFi?  The library offers free wireless internet access. For easier access, the wifi has no password & may be accessed from the library grounds or parking lot.

What is the cost of printing and making photocopies? Scanning? The library offers both photocopying and printing at a cost of 20¢ per page (cash or personal check only). Several local businesses offer printing and copying and accept credit/debit cards. Scanning is free.

Do you have a fax machine? How much does it cost? Yes, the library has a fax machine located on the second floor next to the study rooms. The machine is card only: VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover credit and debit cards are accepted. The cost is $1.75 for the first page plus $1.00 for each additional page. The machine can only send a maximum of 20 pages at a time. You can get a text message confirmation, or you can check on the status of your fax on FaxScan24’s website by entering your credit/debit card number and the fax number where you sent your document. Other locations in Augusta that provide fax services include The Mailing Center and Staples.

The library will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.