Lithgow Library Rules of Conduct

The library does not allow:

  • Animals in the Library, except service animals that are specifically trained to aid a disabled person
  • Use of tobacco products or consumption of food
  • Disruptive noise or behavior
  • Abusive or obscene language
  • Behavior that endangers oneself or others
  • Offensive body odor or personal hygiene that unreasonably interferes with other patrons’ ability to use the Library and its facilities
  • Lying down or appearing to be sleeping in the Library; having feet on furniture; or blocking aisles, exits, or entrances
  • Soliciting or selling
  • Misuse of restrooms
  • Petitioning or distributing materials
  • Oversized items such as bedrolls, duffel bags, large suitcases, or large plastic bags
  • Unattended personal items or bags
  • People without shirts, shoes, or suitable clothing

Failure to comply with this policy may result in being asked to leave the library and suspension of library privileges.

Library privileges also may be terminated for the following reasons:

  •  Damaging library property
  •  Stealing or damaging library materials
  •  Threatening, harassing or physically harming staff or patrons
  •  Repeated disruptive behavior